In a recent post, I gave some excerpts of love letters exchanged by Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper in 1885, the year they celebrated their private marriage. Today, I give two beautiful short quotes from further love letters. Again, they are taken from their complete correspondence edited by Sharon Bickle, and I will refer to these letters by their number in that collection.
In letter 126 (September 1886) from Edith Cooper to Katharine Bradley:
Good night, good night, my own loves. To think I may be kissing you lips to lips in the little home this time next week—Oh, dear bliss! The Sturges have been happy,—and we, ah, we have been happy with those cards from the lovely country.
In letter 160 (February 1897) from Katharine Bradley to Edith Cooper:
In bed—, I kissed thee, printing my kisses on the lips of God. He will surely give them thee again.
Source of the letters: Sharon Bickle (editor), The Fowl and the Pussycat: love letters of Michael Field, 1876–1909, University of Virginia Press (2008).