Juste Orgueil, par Rémy Broustaille

Portrait de Rémy Broustaille
de Broca – Portrait de Rémy Broustaille – dans Les emmurées ; Rose Frou-Frou, roman-poème

On ne connaît presque rien de la vie de l’écrivain français Rémy Broustaille. Seules nous restent quelques-unes de ses œuvres, publiées aux alentours de 1900, numérisées par la BNF sur son site Gallica, puis republiées par Hachette. L’auteur, familier de Montmartre, s’intéressait particulièrement aux « gueux », les pauvres et déclassés urbains, et nombre de ses poèmes incluent de l’argot. Un thème y revient fréquemment : les jeunes filles pures que la misère réduit à la prostitution. Il dénonce aussi les guerres, les violences, l’avidité et l’égoïsme des riches, mais son pessimisme concernant la corruption innée du genre humain ne lui donne pas d’autre perspective que la rédemption des prostituées et des misérables par le Christ. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Strange Little Girl, by the the Stranglers

Cover of the single Strange Little Girl by the Stranglers
Cover of the single Strange Little Girl by the Stranglers – from Amazon

The English rock band the Stranglers was formed as the Guildford Stranglers in early 1974. That year they wrote the song “Strange Little Girl.” They submitted it to EMI in 1975 as part of a demo; the demo and the band were rejected. Later in their career, they got a contract with the Liberty label, which was part of EMI. In 1982, having decided to leave the Liberty label for Epic Records, they re-recorded the song, and in July released it as a single (with “Cruel Garden” as B-side), their last one on that label. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

The beloved sister in Suspiria de Profundis

Thomas De Quincey
Thomas De Quincey – from Wikimedia Commons

Can a childhood love be the strongest and most beautiful feeling ever experienced? And is this love the truest when it unites a brother and a sister?

The childhood of Thomas De Quincey was marked by the affliction of death. He had three sisters, who were his playmates, whith whom he lived day and night: Elizabeth (two years older than him), Mary (one year older), and Jane (one year younger). At age 4, he first lost Jane, aged 3, but at that time he could not comprehend death fully. Then, two months before his 7th birthday, Elizabeth died at the age of 8 or 9. Last, his father died one year later. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Rose-Moss, by Hilda Conkling

Hilda Conkling, Poems By A Little Girl
Cover by Charles Churchward, Illustration by Dorothy P. Lathrop – Hilda Conkling, Poems By A Little Girl, Vinyl LP Album, Caedmon Records, Inc., TC 1387 (1972)

The child poet composed this charming little poem at age five or six, and her mother wrote it down. It was published in 1920 in her first collection Poems by a Little Girl. Hilda shows her empathy for nature, wondering if an isolated flower feels lonely, but fortunatly it does not. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…