Une amie du poète lui rappelle les beaux jours de leur enfance, leurs jeux et leur amour naissant. Il se souvient d’un baiser qu’il reçut en récompense d’une chanson, mais hélas, aujourd’hui elle ne lui en donne plus. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Author: Christian
Ernest Dowson and the ages of woman
The writer Ernest Dowson (1867–1900) was a lover of young girls, his deep feelings for them are expressed in several of his poems, notably those that I published from his three collections Poésie Schublade, Verses, and Decorations. More insight can be gained from his correspondence, namely The Letters of Ernest Dowson edited by Desmond Flower and Henry Maas, and New Letters from Ernest Dowson edited Desmond Flower. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Poets and Lovers est toujours là, après 42 mois, ayant surmonté tous les obstacles sur son chemin. Le 20 avril, le registraire de nom de domaine Njalla (une compagnie fondée par des pirates informatiques), sous prétexte d’une supposée plainte contre Pigtails in Paint, bloqua les noms de domaine de tous les sites hébergés par notre fournisseur Internet. Celui-ci dut récupérer les codes pour transférer les domaines auprès d’un autre registraire. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
New flight
Poets and Lovers lives since three years and a half, regularly facing threats. Our Internet provider had registered the domains of his sites with the domain registrar Njalla. On April 20, without any warning or explanation, Njalla decided to block the domain names of of all sites hosted by our provider, in particular Pigtails in Paint, Poets and Lovers and the sites of Graham Ovenden and Garage Press. Moreover, Njalla blocked our provider’s access to the virtual server that they hosted for his sites, they did not even allow him to download the latest contents before terminating it. The pretext was a supposed complaint against the contents of Pigtails in Paint, about which we have no details. After requests for information by our provider, they claimed “child porn,” then later “sexual objectification of kids.” They told him that he was “free” to move the domains to another registrar, but for several days, they refused to transmit him the authorisation codes for transferring the domains to another registrar. After a few days, Pigtails in Paint got its codes for registering the domain name with another company, but for Poets and Lovers it took a month to get the correct codes. The sites of Graham Ovenden and Garage Press had to change their domain names. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Musique, par Jean-Baptiste Clément
Voici un troisième poème du recueil Chansons, une ode pleine de vie à la nature, la musique et l’amour. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Meet Me in the Green Glen, by John Clare
Another charming poem from Asylum Poems, the collection of verses written by Clare while he was interned in an asylum. The old poet has an appointment with his love at sunset in a beautiful valley. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Sur la Mort d’une Cousine de sept ans, par Hégésippe Moreau
Le poème suivant rappelle les deux sonnets de Nicolas Boileau sur la mort d’une de ses nièces. Le poète regrette avoir ennuyé sa cousine avec ses leçons tant qu’elle vivait. S’il avait su qu’elle mourrait si tôt, il aurait profité de sa jeunesse, fait avec elle l’école buissonnière et empli sa vie de plaisirs. Il lui aurait donné tout son amour. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Rondeau, by Ernest Dowson
In Greek mythology, Maenads were the female followers of Dionysus, the god of winemaking and ecstasy. Dowson cultivated the ecstasy of alcohol, while his love life was split between a platonic devotion for little girls and purely sensual affairs with adult women, often prostitutes met in bars. In this poem, he contrasts the pleasures of wine and women with the virginal beauty of young girls. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
John Clare: To Miss C——.
From Asylum Poems, another treasure of sensuality by John Clare. The girl whom he loves dazzles him in all possible ways: the sound of her voice, the glance of her eyes, the colour of her cheeks, the shape of her body, the way she walks, but foremost her faithful love. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
L’Écolière, par Hégésippe Moreau
Hégésippe Moreau (Pierre-Jacques Roulliot) est un écrivain, poète et journaliste français. Né le 8 avril 1810 à Paris, il exerça plusieurs métiers, dont correcteur d’imprimerie, et se lança dans le journalisme et la poésie. Comme ses deux parents, il fut fauché par la tuberculose, et il mourut à Paris le 20 décembre 1838. Il reste un poète méconnu, mort trop jeune.
Dans ce poème, le maître tente de discipliner une jeune fille rétive aux études. Elle préfère user de séduction, par des sourires, un bras dénudé et des baisers, plutôt que de s’appliquer. Ici Lhomond est un pédagogue français du 18e siècle, auteur du célèbre manuel pour latinistes De viris illustribus urbis Romæ. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…