After Plotinus, by Fabian Strachan Woodley

Augustus Edwin Mulready - A street flower seller
Augustus Edwin Mulready – A street flower seller (1882) – from Wikimedia Commons

Fabian Strachan Woodley (b. 19 July 1888, d. 8 August 1957) was a British poet who published only one book of verses, A Crown of Friendship (1921). He was a late representative of the ‘Uranian’ school of male poets who exalted the love of boys. As writes a website devoted to Woodley, “Like the other ‘Uranian’ poets, he declared that Boyhood was the only ideal worth following.” Indeed, many of his poems deal with boys he loved. According to the above-mentioned site, Woodley said: “I was a Poet and Dreamer and Lover and Boy with them.CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Fleurs de sang

La blessure de la passion ne se refermera jamais… bonheur de nos plaies éternelles… nous veillerons toujours dans la clarté de nos crépuscules rouges.

Perle étincelante de mes nuits immortelles,
Emblème de mes jours éternels,
Tu es venue, scintillant de mille feux,
Illuminer mes pas de verre…
Tu es venue, mon étoile d’amour,
Embraser mon âme tremblante de désir.


William Carlos Williams: The Ogre

Morton Bartlett
Morton Bartlett

The Puerto Rican-American physician William Carlos Williams (1883–1963), while practising both paediatrics and general medicine in a hospital, had at the same time a full literary career, writing short stories, poems, plays, novels, critical essays, an autobiography, translations and correspondence. He is remembered mostly for his poetry, whose style evolved from imagism to modernism. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…