As the 7 other sonnets in this series, this one was probably written around 1885. Again it tells us that only a little girl can relieve the poet’s heart from bitterness and sorrow. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Author: Christian
Adown the Lesbian vales, by Michael Field
My third selection from the collection Long Ago is a sapphic poem. Young girls make offerings to the poetess, who wonders what to give them in return. She will “sing of their soft cherishing” and “of marriage-loves;” the highest praises would crown them, as the rose “is not so good, so fresh as they,” “opening their glorious, candid maidenhood.” CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Fruit d’amour
Mordre une grenade mûre, sentir le jus rouge couler sur ses joues… amour ultime caché dans un doux écrin. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
The Little Rebel, by Joseph Ashby-Sterry
In 1886 Ashby-Sterry published a second collection of verses, The Lazy Minstrel. It included in a slightly modified form several poems from Boudoir Ballads. I have chosen in it an original poem about an unruly little girl who truly behaves like a savage tomboy, now “good as gold,” then “pert and bold,” “naughty but best of girls,” he loves her as she is. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Fleur-des-blés, par Émile Blémont
Voici un autre poème de Chansons des champs, la deuxième partie du recueil Les pommiers en fleur : idylles de France et de Normandie d’Émile Blémont. Le poète prie la chère alouette de chanter « la joyeuse et fraîche fillette », « la belle que mon cœur souhaite », « ses cheveux blonds », « ses lèvres », « ses yeux bleus ». CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Dowson’s grave
Ernest Christopher Dowson was born on August 2, 1867 in Lee (now part of Lewisham), in the Kent region of the UK. Throughout his life he suffered from poor health, and he died from tuberculosis and neglect on February 23, 1900, aged 32. He was buried in Ladywell Cemetary. Here is an old picture of his grave, scanned from The Letters of Ernest Dowson (Desmond Flower & Henry Maas, editors): CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
No other girl, by Michael Field
I present here my second selection from the collection Long Ago published in 1889 by Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper under the pen name Michael Field. Addressed to a young man, the poem praises his future bride, a most lovely girl, there could not be a better choice. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
To Monica: After Nine Years, by Francis Thompson
Another poem of Francis Thompson published posthumously. Addressed to Monica Meynell, it alludes to an earlier poem dedicated to her, “The Poppy,” which was probably written in 1891 when the girl was 11 years old. Hence this one can be dated around 1900, written for a 20 years old Monica. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Lison et le petit cœur de Jeanne, par Émile Blémont
Chansons des champs, la deuxième partie du recueil Les pommiers en fleur : idylles de France et de Normandie (1891) d’Émile Blémont, comprend de nombreux poèmes d’amour, écrits dans un style léger et joyeux. Par exemple le 6e, « La douce chanson », a pour refrain : « — Mon amie, embrassons-nous, / Tout doux, tout doux ! / — Embrassons-nous, mon amant, / Tout doucement ! » CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Fille des étoiles
L’amour véritable réunit les extrêmes, notamment dans l’espace, aussi les recoins opposés de la Galaxie se rejoignent en un long baiser… CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…