Growth, by Ernest Dowson

Élisabeth Chaplin - Jeunes filles en jaune
Élisabeth Chaplin – Jeunes filles en jaune (1921)

In a post presenting the poem Ad Domnulam Suam by Ernest Dowson, I said that Dowson wrote it in October 1890, and that it was probably inspired by his beloved Adelaide Foltinowicz, then aged twelve years and a half. In it, he expressed his love for a young girl, and at the same time a desire to stop before this love could grow too strong; he also said that the girl would soon grow out of childhood, and this could spell the end of that love. He seemed to be afraid that his love for Adelaide would finally end as she grew into adulthood. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Some love letters between Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper in the year 1885

Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper
Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper

Katherine Harris Bradley (1846–1914) and Edith Emma Cooper (1862–1913) had a triple relation: aunt and niece, lovers, and collaborative authors of poetry and drama. Their correspondence has been gathered by Sharon Bickle, and I will refer to their letters by their number in that collection. Many of them express their love in a lyrical way, and this is most striking for the year 1885. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Deux enfants au soleil, par Jean Ferrat

Couverture du premier album de Jean Ferrat
Couverture du premier album de Jean Ferrat – provient de Discogs

Jean Ferrat (1930–2010), de son vrai nom Jean Tenenbaum, est un auteur-compositeur-interprète français. Fils d’un immigré juif d’origine Russe déporté puis assassiné en 1942 à Auschwitz, il vécut le reste de la guerre caché d’abord par des militants communistes, puis par sa famille. Ces événements le marquèrent fortement, ce qui se manifestera plus tard par le caractère social et engagé de beaucoup de ses chansons, ainsi que par ses sympathies pour le PCF. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Love Lives Beyond the Tomb, by John Clare

Jana Brike
Jana Brike

Today, I present another beautiful little piece from the collection Asylum Poems that John Clare wrote while he was interned in a lunatic asylum. It is a message of hope, he tells us that love is everlasting, it “lives beyond the tomb, the earth, the flowers, and dew,” and it can be found with “the fond, the faithful, young and true.” The genuine heart-love of a young maiden brings the poet eternal happiness. The secret of a fruitful life is a young heart full of love. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Plus belle, par Jean Aicard

Sophie Gengembre Anderson - La tourterelle
Sophie Gengembre Anderson – La tourterelle – The Athenaeum

Voici un beau poème d’amour, que j’ai choisi dans Le Livre d’Heures de l’Amour. L’auteur s’adresse à sa bien-aimée, qui reste insensible à ses sentiments et lui semble d’une beauté orgueilleuse. Il l’enjoint de se transformer de bien-aimée en amoureuse, elle en deviendrait plus heureuse, et cela ne pourrait qu’accroître sa beauté. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Ad Domnulam Suam, by Ernest Dowson

Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Irène Cahen d’Anvers
Pierre-Auguste Renoir – Irène Cahen d’Anvers (ca.1880) – from Wikimedia Commons

This beautiful poem, whose title means “to his little lady” (or “mistress”), expresses the poet’s love for a young girl, and at the same time a desire to stop before this love could grow too strong. Anyway, the girl will soon leave the “fairy-land” of childhood and grow into adulthood, and this could spell the end of that love’s magic. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Trois ans de liberté

Richard Müller - Liebesbotschaft
Richard Müller – Liebesbotschaft (1921)

Poets and Lovers vit depuis trois ans, et c’est un petit miracle. Partout se met en place une censure « préventive » d’Internet, où divers opérateurs invoquent toutes sortes de raisons pour bloquer des sites, tandis que des lobbies réactionnaires avides de pouvoir et de subsides publics, sous couvert de « protection des enfants », exigent des opérateurs la censure de divers contenus qu’ils qualifient arbitrairement de « maltraitance d’enfants ».

Dans un climat de haine, de chauvinisme et de militarisme, Poets and Lovers continuera à défendre la poésie, la liberté et l’amour. C’est la seule voie pour faire apparaître le merveilleux dans nos existences. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

A Love Letter

Bob-Byerley - The love letter
Bob-Byerley – The love letter

All the Year Round was a weekly literary magazine founded and owned by Charles Dickens, published between 1859 and 1895 throughout the United Kingdom. It was edited by Dickens until shortly before his death in 1870, and then his eldest son Charles Dickens, Jr. took over the magazine.

The following poem was published anonymously in its issue of August 21, 1886. It is a beautiful declaration of love addressed to a child. Although the author does never tell the child’s gender, the words “like a Queen” make it clear that it is a girl. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…