Maid of Athens, ere we part, by George Gordon Byron

A.E. Chalon, H. T. Ryall, C. R. Cockerell - The Maid of Athens
Painted by A.E. Chalon, engraved by H. T. Ryall, from the picture taken at Athens in 1813 by C. R. Cockerell – The Maid of Athens (1848) – From The Poetical Works of Lord Byron

In 1809–10, the poet George Gordon Byron briefly resided in Athens. He fell in love with the 12 years old Teresa Makri (Τερέζα Μακρή), in whose mother’s house he lodged. In a letter to Henry Drury he said to be “dying for love of three Greek Girls at Athens,” “Teresa, Mariana, and Kattinka.” Before departing for Istanbul, he wrote for Teresa the poem “Maid of Athens, ere we part.” It was first published in Childe Harold in 1812. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Requiescat, Oscar Wilde’s tribute to his sister Isola

An envelope containing strands of Isola Wilde's hair, found among Oscar Wilde's possessions when he died
An envelope containing strands of Isola Wilde’s hair, found among Oscar Wilde’s possessions when he died – Photograph: Merlin Holland Picture Archive

Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde was born on October 16, 1854 in Dublin, the second son of William Robert Wills Wilde, a famous otolaryngologist and ophthalmologist, and Jane Francesca Agnes Elgee, a poet and supporter of the Irish nationalist movement. His mother wanted a daughter, and as a toddler, Oscar was raised and clothed as a little girl. The feminine and intellectual way in which she educated him must have contributed to his sensitive and aesthetic temperament, quite opposed to that of his father. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

La petite gamine, par Christophe

William-Adolphe Bouguereau - Tête de fillette
William-Adolphe Bouguereau – Tête de fillette (1890) – Art Renewal Center

« La petite gamine » est une chanson relativement peu connu de Christophe (Daniel Bevilacqua), datée de 1967. Elle figure comme 2e titre de la face B d’un 45 tours EP, sorti chez Barclay, dont les 3 autres titres sont « Je sais que c’est l’été » et « Le coup de fouet » sur la face A, puis « Les espagnols » sur la face B. Elle apparaît aussi comme face A d’un 45 tours single, également chez Barclay, et il y en eut aussi un tirage limité, réservé aux exploitants des juke-boxes et à la promotion. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Annie, by Aleister Crowley

Léon Perrault - Petite fille au bouquet de fleurs
Léon Jean Bazile Perrault – Petite fille au bouquet de fleurs (1896)

Rosa Mundi, and other love-songs is a collection of 28 numbered poems, first published in 1905. It starts with a very long poem, itself called “Rosa Mundi.” Poems numbered 4 to 13 are titled by names of girls. The most charming is the fourth, where a boy secretly offers three flowers to a girl, but in return she has only one secret flower to offer him. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Petite fille du soleil, par Christophe

Paul Peel - The young gleaner
Paul Peel – The young gleaner (1888) – Art Renewal Center

Daniel Bevilacqua, dit Christophe, est un chanteur français, né le 13 octobre 1945 à Juvisy-sur-Orge, fils d’un entrepreneur en maçonnerie italien et d’une couturière. Sa carrière débute en 1963, il enregistre alors son premier 45 tours. Il connaît en 1965 un succès colossal avec sa ballade Aline, qu’il a composée et écrite lui-même ; elle se vendra à un million d’exemplaires. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…