Le Lendemain, par Évariste de Parny

Balthus - Étude pour "Le lever"
Balthus – Étude pour “Le lever” (1974)

Parny publia en 1778 son premier recueil de vers, Poésies érotiques, dédié à son grand amour Esther Lelièvre qui y apparaît sous le nom d’Éléonore. Le deuxième poème de ce recueil évoque les sentiments de la jeune fille, âgée de 13 ans, après leur première nuit de plaisir. Il l’enjoint de ne pas écouter les censeurs qui dénoncent cela comme un péché ou un crime. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Little Girl, by Carl McVoy

Cover of the single by CarlMcVoy – from Bear Family Records

Carl Everett Glasscock McVoy was an American singer and pianist, cousin to Jerry Lee Lewis (their mothers were sisters), born on January 3, 1931 in Epps, Louisiana. Due to financial reason, most of his musical recordings were distributed in small numbers or even not issued. He combined his unsuccessful musical career with a day job in the construction business, and indeed around 1965 he quit the music business and opted for a more secure future in the construction industry, in which he worked until his death on January 3, 1992 in Jackson, Mississippi. Several of his records have been reissued posthumously. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Amour d’enfance, par Thierry Pontic

Frederick Morgan - Childhood Sweethearts
Frederick Morgan – Childhood Sweethearts

Le poème qui suit évoque avec nostalgie un amour joyeux et plein d’espoir entre deux enfants de dix ans, qui illumine encore l’esprit de l’auteur maintenant adulte. Il a été transcrit dans la collection Amours Enfantines par François Lemonnier, page 959. Je n’ai trouvé sur la toile nulle autre trace ni du poème, ni de son auteur. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

When My Little Girl Is Smiling

Catherine Demongeot, Zazie dans le métro
Louis Malle – Catherine Demongeot dans Zazie dans le métro (1960)

The lyricist Gerry Goffin and the composer Carole King, husband and wife, formed a prolific songwriting team throughout the 1960s. Their love song “When My Little Girl Is Smiling” was first recorded in October 1961 by The Drifters, an American doo-wop and R&B/soul vocal group. Released as a single on the Atlantic label in February 1962, it reached number 28 on the Billboard Hot 100, while in Britain it reached number 31 on the UK Singles Chart in May 1962. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

À soi-même, par Odilon Redon

Odilon Redon - Tête d'enfant avec fleurs
Odilon Redon – Tête d’enfant avec fleurs – provient de The Athenaeum

Né le 20 avril 1840 à Bordeaux sous le nom de Bertrand Redon, Odilon Redon est un peintre, dessinateur et graveur symboliste français. Le choix qu’il fit de s’appeler Odilon vient du prénom de sa mère, Odile.

Cultivant une forme d’ésotérisme, ses œuvres sont comme une sorte de fenêtre ouverte sur un monde spirituel caché. Ses peintures oniriques en font un précurseur du surréalisme. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Hey Little Girl, by Jim Morrison

Jim Morrison with a little girl
Jim Morrison with a little girl

Jim Morrison, the singer of the rock group The Doors, was foremost a poet. He wrote most lyrics of the group’s songs, and he filled notebooks with poems. In his lifetime he self-published three volumes of his poetry, and more poems were published posthumously. His collected works were edited by Frank Lisciandro and published as a single volume by Harper Design in 2021. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Zombie Skin, by Murp

Murp – from murp.bandcamp.com

America’s Got Talent is a televised American talent show competition on the NBC television network. It runs a season each year during the network’s summer schedule. The 4th episode of Season 8, devoted to auditions, aired on June 25, 2013 at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City. It featured a sensational performance by 6 years old Aaralyn O’Neil singing her black metal song “Zombie Skin,” accompanied by her 9 years old brother Isaiah (“Izzy”) on drums. Some members of the Jury were shocked by her raucous shrieking voice, while the public got enthusiastic. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Mark Twain on some sexual sins in the Bible

James Jacques Joseph Tissot - The Women of Midian Led Captive by the Hebrews
James Jacques Joseph Tissot – The Women of Midian Led Captive by the Hebrews (c.1896–1902) – from The Jewish Museum

Twain’s Letters From The Earth, written probably between 1904 and 1909, takes the form of a series of reports written for the archangels Gabriel and Michael by Satan, who has been exiled to Earth. This work, mocking the Bible and the cruelty of its teachings, was published only in 1962. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…