Today I introduce an English poet of the late 19th century, who loved little girls and wrote beautiful verse for them. I will devote a few more articles to some of his most moving poems. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Today I introduce an English poet of the late 19th century, who loved little girls and wrote beautiful verse for them. I will devote a few more articles to some of his most moving poems. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
A beautiful poem, romantic and sensuous, a nostalgic memory of the love once shared with a young girl. The first verse tells of ‘pure grey eyes,’ an expression that Ernest Dowson would often use in his poems about children in Poésie Schublade, his collection of early poetry published long after his death. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
J’ai précédemment présenté huit poèmes écrits par six filles élèves de l’École Freinet de Vence, extraits du recueil Poèmes d’enfants publié chez Casterman en 1975.
En 1978 parut, encore chez Casterman, sous le nom d’auteur de Pédagogie Freinet, un autre volume intitulé Comme je te le dis !, sous-titré Poèmes d’enfants. Il rassemble de courts textes écrits par des élèves de diverses écoles françaises appliquant la pédagogie Freinet. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Guns N’ Roses (often abbreviated as GNR) is a hard rock band from Los Angeles, California. It has existed without interruption since 1985. One of their greatest hits is the song “Sweet Child o’ Mine,” recorded in August 1986, which first appeared on their debut studio album Appetite for Destruction released on July 21, 1987. The song was next released as a single in August 1988, and it topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart; it would be the band’s only number 1 US single. It was released again in 1989, reaching then number 6 on the UK Singles Chart. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
La deuxième édition de la collection Dédicaces, publiée en 1894, comprend quatre poèmes dédiés à des petites filles, en particulier Renée Zilcken et Jeanne Vanier. Je présente ici les deux autres, adressés à des demoiselles qui me restent inconnues. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Here is a poem celebrating the beauty and charm of four schoolgirls aged from 10 to 16. They are ready to seduce and ensnare future husbands. Again, Ashby-Sterry states his special fondness for the one aged 16. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
After her fourth collection Venus Invisible and Other Poems in 1928, Nathalia Crane published in 1929 the novel An Alien from Heaven, then in 1930 a long epic poem titled Pocahontas. Aferwards, nothing more from her appeared, until her fifth collection Swear by the Night and Other Poems published in 1936. In the Foreword, Louis Untermeyer gave the reason for this long silence: CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Jean-Michel Caradec est un auteur-compositeur-interprète français d’origine bretonne, né le 20 septembre 1946 à Morlaix (Finistère) et mort le 29 juillet 1981 à l’hôpital de Rambouillet (Yvelines), après un accident de la route. Il composa et interpréta de nombreuses chansons de 1969 à 1981, dont 8 albums.
Il rencontra le succès en 1974 avec son deuxième album (label Polydor, référence 2473 035, avec deux versions de couverture, voir ici et ici), intitulé Ma petite fille de rêve d’après le titre de sa première chanson. Celle-ci fut également pubiée comme face A d’un single (label Polydor, référence 2056 332, avec deux versions de couverture, voir ici et ici), et elle devint un tube. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
several years ago, a reader of Agapeta told me that some ideas expressed in my post Components of Love overlap those put forward by Erich Fromm in his 1956 book The Art of Loving. I have thus read it. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…
Dimples in the face or the body of the loved girl are a frequent theme in Boudoir Ballads, and the following poem extols their charm. Again I chose a painting by Graham Ovenden to illustrate the verse of Joseph Ashby-Sterry. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…