Chansons madécasses d’Évariste de Parny

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - Kauerndes Mädchen
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner – Kauerndes Mädchen (1910)

En 1787 Parny publia chez Hardouin et Gattey le recueil Chansons madécasses traduites en français, suivies de poésies fugitives. L’adjectif ‘madécasse’ signifie ‘malagache’ en vieux français. Les Chansons madécasses forment un recueil de 12 poèmes en prose, précédés d’un ‘Avertissement’ où l’auteur loue le caractère des habitants de Madagascar et déclare :

J’ai recueilli et traduit quelques chansons, qui peuvent donner une idée de leurs usages et de leurs mœurs. Ils n’ont point de vers ; leur poésie n’est qu’une prose soignée.

En vérité, Parny n’est jamais allé à Madagascar, et il a lui-même écrit ces 12 chansons. Comme Pierre Louÿs avec Les Chansons de Bilitis un siècle plus tard, il utilise le subterfuge littéraire consistant à se cacher derrière une soi-disant œuvre oubliée qu’il aurait prétendument traduite. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Little Girl, by John & Jackie

Balthus - Reclining nude (1974)
Balthus – Reclining nude (1974) – from Artsy

Gene Maltais is an American musician, singer and songwriter, born in Concord, New Hampshire, on May 21, 1933. Prior to 1958, he met Tony Hilder who introduced him to Aladdin Records. Maltais wrote songs for recording artists, including John & Jackie. The latter recorded two songs written by him, “The Raging Sea” and “Little Girl,” which were released as a single in July 1958 on the Aladdin label. The two sides of the record are not numbered or labelled A and B, so either one or the other of the two songs is considered as the A-side. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Le Lendemain, par Évariste de Parny

Balthus - Étude pour "Le lever"
Balthus – Étude pour “Le lever” (1974)

Parny publia en 1778 son premier recueil de vers, Poésies érotiques, dédié à son grand amour Esther Lelièvre qui y apparaît sous le nom d’Éléonore. Le deuxième poème de ce recueil évoque les sentiments de la jeune fille, âgée de 13 ans, après leur première nuit de plaisir. Il l’enjoint de ne pas écouter les censeurs qui dénoncent cela comme un péché ou un crime. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Poésies érotiques de Pierre Louÿs


L’érotisme a toujours joué un rôle important dans la vie et l’œuvre de Pierre Louÿs (1870–1925). Il rassembla une collection de photographies et il écrivit des romans et poèmes érotiques, dont des doublures coquines de ses œuvres publiées, et même des parodies pornographiques comme son Manuel de civilité pour les petites filles à l’usage des maisons d’éducation. Nombre de ces textes furent publiés après sa mort. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Jailbait, by Ted Nugent

Front cover of the album Intensities in 10 Cities by Ted Nugent
Front cover of the album Intensities in 10 Cities by Ted Nugent – from Vinyl Records and Album Cover Gallery,

Theodore Anthony Nugent (born December 13, 1948) is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist from Redford, Michigan. He started as the lead guitarist of the rock band The Amboy Dukes. After dissolving the band, he embarked on a successful solo career in the 1970s and 1980s. His second live album Intensities in 10 Cities consists of 10 songs recorded during the last ten dates of his 1980 tour; it was released on March 2, 1981. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Stray Cat Blues, by The Rolling Stones

Michael Joseph’s shot of the Rolling Stones for the Beggars Banquet album
Michael Joseph’s shot of the Rolling Stones for the Beggars Banquet album, released in 1968 – from The Guardian

The Rolling Stones released the studio album Beggars Banquet in December 1968. The eight song in it (the third track on side two), “Stray Cat Blues,” was written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. In it, the singer lusts for sex with a groupie aged 15 years, which illegal in both the UK and the USA. He describes the young girl as a ‘stray cat’ who isn’t shy about performing sexual acts. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Mellow Yellow, by Donovan

Donovan in 1969
Donovan in 1969 – from Wikimedia Commons

Donovan Phillips Leitch (born in 1946), known as Donovan, is a Scottish musician and songwriter who knew fame from his début in 1965 to the early 1970s.

In October 1966 his song “Mellow Yellow” was released as a single. It reached No. 2 on the US Billboard Hot 100, and No. 8 in the UK. It was then included as first track in his fourth album Mellow Yellow, released in the US in February 1967. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…