Catholic School Girls Rule, by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Cover of the LP Freaky Styley by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Cover of the LP Freaky Styley by Red Hot Chili Peppers – from Amazon

The American rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers released their second studio album Freaky Styley in August 1985. Its 11th track, the song “Catholic School Girls Rule,” is inspired by an event in the life of the band’s singer Anthony Kiedis, which he told in his 2004 autobiography Scar Tissue (written with Larry Sloman, and published by Hyperion). A 14 years old girl who attended a local Catholic school met Kiedis backstage, and he slept with her while on tour before and after discovering her age. Genius quotes the book about their first meeting: CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

La nuit des monstres

Francisco Goya - El sueño de la razón produce monstruos
Francisco Goya – El sueño de la razón produce monstruos (Le sommeil de la raison produit des monstres), Los Caprichos No. 43 (1799) – Google Art Project, via Wikimedia Commons

Depuis deux ans et demi, la poésie de l’amour anime ce blog tué puis ressuscité, entouré de puissantes forces hostiles, mais soutenu par des amis dénués de pouvoir, souvent cachés. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Itsy Bitsy Titsy Girl, by Deadsy

Deadsy is an alternative metal band from Los Angeles, California. Formed in 1995, it took a long break in 2007, as its members had other projects. It was then revived in 2018, with its name now written DÆDSY. Each member of the band is identified by a specific colour, an entity and a stage name. The lead singer Elijah Blue Allman (son of Cher an Greg Allman) has colour International Klein Blue, entity Academia, and nickname Phillips Exeter Blue. The other members’ colours and entities are: green for leisure, yellow for science and medicine, grey for war, and red for horror. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…