Ballade de mes petites amoureuses, par Olivier Bruley

Dick Whittington - Children being taught at Ryan dancing academy, Southern California
Dick Whittington – Children being taught at Ryan dancing academy, Southern California (1933) – provient de

Voici un poème d’amour presque introuvable, écrit par un inconnu, publié sur un blog obscur dont il ne reste de traces que sur la Wayback Machine. Il fut récupéré vers 2004 par François Lemonnier et inclu dans sa collection de textes L’Univers sensuel, sexuel et sentimental de la Fillette impubère, au travers de l’Histoire, de l’Ethnographie et de la Littérature, Tome I : Interactions entre enfants, page 318. Il le présenta comme un texte anonyme, mais j’ai pu retrouver le nom de l’auteur dans les archives du blog sur la Wayback Machine. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

L’Heure du berger, par Évariste de Parny

Hubert Salentin - Die Kräutersammlerin
Hubert Salentin – Die Kräutersammlerin

Voici ma troisième et dernière sélection du recueil Poésies érotiques publié par Parny en 1778. L’auteur se présente comme un garçon qui entreprend de séduire une jeune bergère de 14 ans. Celle-ci feint de s’offenser et de vouloir préserver sa vertu, avant finalement de réclamer elle-même un amour sans fin. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Strange Little Girl, by the the Stranglers

Cover of the single Strange Little Girl by the Stranglers
Cover of the single Strange Little Girl by the Stranglers – from Amazon

The English rock band the Stranglers was formed as the Guildford Stranglers in early 1974. That year they wrote the song “Strange Little Girl.” They submitted it to EMI in 1975 as part of a demo; the demo and the band were rejected. Later in their career, they got a contract with the Liberty label, which was part of EMI. In 1982, having decided to leave the Liberty label for Epic Records, they re-recorded the song, and in July released it as a single (with “Cruel Garden” as B-side), their last one on that label. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Isabelle, je t’aime, par les Poppys

Les Poppys
Les Poppys

Le groupe de chanteurs les Poppys, formé d’enfants français, a été créé en 1970, en pleine guerre du Viêt Nam. Leurs chansons, influencées par la mouvance hippie, mettent en avant l’amour, la fraternité, la tolérance, le refus de la violence et la paix. La composition du groupe a fréquemment changé, en fonction de la mue de la voix des garçons. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Love, by John Clare

Kate Greenaway - Valentine
Kate Greenaway – Valentine (1879) – from Wikimedia Commons

Love for young girls was at the heart of John Clare’s life and poetry. The following well-known poem, where the word ‘timid’ appears 4 times, illustrates his shy and restrained view of romantic relationships: “True love, it is no daring bird, / But like the little timid wren.” CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Preciosa and the Breeze, by Federico García Lorca

Karlis Huns - A young Gypsy woman with a tambourine
Karlis Huns – A young Gypsy woman with a tambourine – from Fine Art America

Federico García Lorca, by his full name Federico del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús García Lorca (1898–1936), was a Spanish poet, playwright, and theatre director. Between 1924 and 1927, he wrote the poetry collection Romancero gitano (Gypsy Ballads), which he published in 1928. It brought him fame, and it remains his best known book of poetry. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Lonely Star

Darker than Black - A Wish Upon a Shooting Star
Darker than Black – A Wish Upon a Shooting Star

Poets and Lovers has lived four years and a half, longer than its predecessor Agapeta. Hopefully, it should no more be threatened by technical failures or attempts at censorship, but the main obstacle could now become the progressive drying of the poetical sources of its contents. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…