A magic Valentine with the little sweetheart

From imgur
From imgur (February 15, 2015)

I usually don’t care about Saint Valentine, and for me February 14 is just an ordinary day, like any other one. How boring these conventional stories about two adults, usually a man and a woman, who live in a couple and tell how much they love each other—do they really?

I always prefer unusual love stories. This one happened five years ago. On February 14, 2015, a single father brought his daughter aged six to restaurant and took well care of her. A couple gave him a little note warmly approving him and saying that they would pay the restaurant bill:

Hi there!

Sorry to spy but my husband & I saw you out with your little Date & were so impressed with what a great Dad you are.

From two Adults who grew up without dads, it’s so important to have a male role model at a young age.

Keep up the good work Dad!
Dinner is on us! 🙂

His comment:

As a single dad, I took my six year old daughter out to valentines dinner tonight when this happened. I wont lie, I teared up at the table. So, thank you random strangers. Thank you.

Yes, every little girl needs to be loved and cherished by a devoted and caring mature person.

Source: imgur, February 15, 2015.

Previously published on Agapeta, 2015/02/17. This story was also mentioned in Pigtails in Paint, March 3, 2015.

Marjory Fleming’s love of “well made Bucks”

Marjory Fleming - National Library of Scotland
Marjory Fleming – National Library of Scotland

Marjory Fleming was not a really beautiful girl. In her first journal of spring and summer 1810 (when she was 7 years old), she wrote:

—I am very strong & robust & not of the delicate sex nor of the fair but of the deficient in look People who are deficient in looks can make up for it by virtue.

In a letter to Marjory’s sister Isabella, dated April 1, 1811, her cousin Isabella Keith wrote: CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Asmodel, by Aleister Crowley

Sulamith Wülfing - Flower
Sulamith Wülfing – Flower (1931) – from Pigtails in Paint

This is a beautiful and strange poem about a loved girl who seems to come from an outer world, maybe from dreams, or from a star, a spiritual bride descending on the bed of the desiring poet, and their mystical union mixes extasy with agony. Both erotic and esoteric, full of hidden meanings, these verses are difficult to interpret. The 1905 edition of the poem states that the title means: ‘One of the “Intelligences” of the Planet Venus.’ CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Song III, by Eric Stenbock

Jock Sturges - Nikki and Lotte, Montalivet
Jock Sturges – Nikki and Lotte, Montalivet

Myrtle, Rue and Cypress (subtitled A Book of Poems, Songs, and Sonnets), Stenbock’s second collection of verses, was published by Hatchards (Picadilly, London) in 1883, and reprinted by Hermitage Books in 1992. This latter edition was digitised for Internet Archive. In 2018, S N Books World (Delhi, India) reprinted it. As with other cheap Indian reprints, the page layout is faulty, with odd-numbered pages on the left and even-numbered pages on the right. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

Navarana et Peter Freuchen

Navarana and Peter Freuchen in Thule
Navarana et Peter Freuchen à Thule (1916-1917) – Photo : Arktisk Institut

Le grand amour de Peter Freuchen fut sa première épouse, Navarana, une Inuit du Nord-Groenland. Quand il la rencontra, elle était encore pratiquement une enfant ; dans son livre de 1935, Arctic Adventure: My Life in the Frozen North, et celui édité en 1961 par sa veuve Dagmar, Peter Freuchen’s Book of the Eskimos, il la décrit comme une « petite fille ». Elle s’appelait alors Mequpaluk. Elle et sa mère avaient failli succomber à la faim suite à la mort de son père. Sa mère s’était remariée, mais son beau-père la négligeait. Elle était toujours habillée de vieux vêtements élimés, parfois faits d’assemblages de peaux de chien ; en cela son beau-père appliquait l’adage nord-groenlandais qui veut qu’une jeune femme soit habillée par son mari, et non par son père. Un jour un homme mauvais la viola, et au lieu de la plaindre, son beau-père ironisa sur son agresseur qui devait être bien bête pour s’en prendre à une fille pas encore faite, alors qu’il avait une excellente femme à la maison. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…

L’amour nouveau

William-Adolphe Bouguereau - Petite fille au bouquet
William-Adolphe Bouguereau – Petite fille au bouquet (1896) – The Athenaeum

L’amour se boit comme le vin. Il charme nos lèvres, puis notre langue, il nous enivre. L’amour nouveau est arrivé, frais et fruité, il fait les délices de nos journées d’hiver, de nos longues nuits noires. Buvons, buvons l’amour, sans modération. CONTINUE READING / CONTINUER LA LECTURE…